Licensed In:  Florida:  September 2009

Rank:   Lowest (wo)man on the totem pole; even beneath Heifer's hairy lard ass.  Which is a disgusting place to be.  Please save me.

Area of Practice:    Family Law, Scatology.

Comment:   I don't practice criminal law.  No, I will not "keep you out of jail," and no, I will not talk with you about the Casey Anthony trial.


Age:   27 (I don't ever plan to update this.)

Astrological Sign:   Leo  Prrrrrrrooooowwwwwlllll.

Relationship Status:  Single and looking.

Interests:  Sports (football! Gators!), puns, art, dancing, long walks on the beach, candelight dinners. 

I know this isn't a dating site, but hey boys.  *bats eyelashes*